Gabrielle Benefield

Gabrielle Benefield is an author, speaker, innovator, and a founder of Mobius is a navigator for transformational thinking that helps you deliver outcomes that matter. Gabrielle is an advocate for purposeful innovation and believes the relentless pursuit of ‘more, more, more’ gets in the way of success. Since developing the earliest inception of Mobius in 2009 she has helped individuals and organizations all over the globe, including Google and Red Hat solve complex problems in a transformational way.

Gabrielle earned her stripes in innovation thinking during the early 2000s in Silicon Valley. She used Agile and Lean techniques to successfully lead teams, including taking a startup to a robust Initial Public Offering, and spearheading one of the largest Agile enterprise transformations – scaling up to 250+ teams across three continents. She founded the Scrum Foundation in 2009 together with key Agile thought leaders, including Jeff Sutherland (the inventor of Scrum), and is an author of the Scrum Primer, one of the most downloaded guides to Scrum.

Gabrielle is passionate about taking Mobius to the world and regularly delivers public and private workshops and presentations everywhere from London to Tokyo. She currently lives in Portugal with her family.

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Gabrielle Benefield

when everyone works towards a shared purpose

You know you are doing the heart of scrum, when everyone works towards a shared purpose.... Read More »

Author: Gabrielle Benefield