Geir Amsjø

Geir Amsjø was the first Norwegian Certified Scrum Trainer and has worked full time with agile and Scrum since 2004. He has up to now certified more than 3000 CSMs and CSPOs. Geir has been devoted to agile since early 2000. Back then, while working as a consultant on Software Process Improvement (SPI) and University teacher, he arranged the first agile seminars and courses in Norway.

Geir has been working with software development since late 1980’s in many different roles. At first as a programmer and tester, later as a project manager and general manager. While working for Siemens in Oslo he participated in several European research projects aimed to develop better, practical methods for Software Process Improvement.

Geir Amsjo heart of Scrum

thinking as a team rather than individuals

You know you are doing the Heart of Scrum when everyone on the Scrum Team are thinking as a team rather than individuals... Read More »

Author: Geir Amsjø